Monthly Financial Update – July 1, 2022


The Monthly Financial Update gives our readers an inside look at the allocation and performance of our personal portfolio. At the beginning of each month, we share a snapshot of our investments and highlight their performance over the previous month. In addition, we compute our progress towards achieving our retirement number.

Back In Time?

Well, it looks like we may have somehow traveled back in time. How else can you explain our net worth matching the level it was at over a year ago? Time travel is the only logical conclusion...All jokes aside, the market really dropped heavily this month. The S&P 500 is now hovering around its 52-week low and we have officially entered a bear market! What lies ahead in the short term is anyone's guess. However, long term I'm pretty sure I know how things will play out. With that in mind, the ship remains as steady as ever as we sail towards our early retirement destination! It wouldn't be exciting without a few storms along the way...right? 🙂

-5.59% month-over-month growth

106.9% of retirement number saved

Check out our detailed performance in the table below.

The Numbers

AccountsPortfolio AllocationChange In Value
Liquid Funds0.18%-12.21%
High-Yield Savings7.59%+2.39%
Taxable Stock Investments43.63%-6.61%
Total =100%

Portfolio Allocation = Current asset distribution of our portfolio
Change In Value = Change in account value due to asset appreciation/depreciation, deposits, and withdrawals

Growth Toward Financial Independence

Tools To Get You Started

Get a head start on your journey toward achieving financial independence by analyzing and tracking your income, expenses, investment performance, and overall net worth with the free online wealth management tool Personal Capital.

We use Personal Capital regularly to analyze our investment fees, track our investments, and project our net worth. We also periodically review our progress toward retirement with their retirement planning calculator.

If you’d rather do things on your own, become a subscriber today and you’ll receive our Free Financial Planning Dashboard. This tool allows you to enter your income and expenses to create a detailed budget. You can use it to track your spending habits over time or just to get an idea of where your money is going each month.  Take a look at the automatically generated charts and you may discover you have a little more cash to invest than you thought.

If you’re interested in detailed instructions on how to budget, save, pay off debt, and invest, check out The 6 Phases of Building Wealth. This book provides step-by-step instructions for working through each “Phase” in the process of achieving Financial Freedom. If you're just starting out, the information in this book will provide you with an invaluable resource. You can pick up the digital version for only $2.99 on Amazon.

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