Seek Freedom, Not Riches

I recently had a debate with a group of friends. We were discussing the merits of pursuing financial independence and, potentially, early retirement, versus maintaining a normal job until old age and never really striving to achieve a high level of individual financial success. I argued that everyone’s goal should […]


Monthly Financial Update – March 1, 2019

The Monthly Financial Update gives our readers an inside look at the allocation and performance of our personal portfolio. At the beginning of each month, we share a snapshot of our investments and highlight their performance over the previous month. In addition, we compute our progress towards achieving our retirement […]


The 50/30/20 Budget

As I’ve admitted in the past, I don’t keep track of my finances with a conventional budget. Instead, I have implemented a system in which everything happens automatically. Bills are paid automatically, funds are saved/invested automatically, and money that is free to be spent is automatically allocated to specific accounts. […]


Monthly Financial Update – January 1, 2019

The Monthly Financial Update gives our readers an inside look at the allocation and performance of our personal portfolio. At the beginning of each month, we share a snapshot of our investments and highlight their performance over the previous month. In addition, we compute our progress towards achieving our retirement […]